Optimistic Suburbia International Congress

20-22 May 2015 / ISCTE, Lisbon  / 14.00 – 16.00 p.m.

The housing problem in the architecture periodical press: manifest, critic and divulgation


Architecture publications have played an essential role in the launching of the debate around the housing problem, as well as in the divulgation of housing models and typologies. In fact, although its general use only occurred after World War II, already in the 1930s the Grand Ensembles emerged in the specialized periodical press (L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, vol. 1, no. 6, June 1935), a theme that became recurrent in the subsequent decades. Thus, we aim to reflect on the different ways that model appeared in the periodical press. Generally, we intend to debate:

1 | To what extent the presence of these ensembles in the architecture periodicals contributed to their discussion and use?

2 | Which protagonists were divulgated and what was the expression of that divulgation?

3 | What kind of analyses and critical discussion it is possible to detect?

4 | What predominant discourses – of acceptance, rejection or critique – were formed from the presence of these ensembles in the architecture periodical press?

5 | To what extent these publications provide nowadays food for thought in relation to housing?


Sessão 4.1 | Rute Figueiredo (led by)

22 May | 14.00 – 16.00

Speakers and paper topics:

Bruno Parente – DATMC ISCTE-IUL

Quando o modernismo chegou à “Arquitectura” – a divulgação de dois casos de habitação colectiva em Alvalade

Rui Seco – DA/UC

Portugal, antes de zero

João Silva – FAUP

Publi/cidades: uma leitura do problema da habitação a partir da divulgação publicitária

Luciane Scottá – FAUP

A habitação moderna no livro-catálogo Brazil Build: Architecture New and Old; 1652-1942

Daniela Simões – IHA/FCSH-UNL

A questão da habitação na revista Binário



Profª  Margarida Acciaiuoli (Keynote speaker)

“O regime da propriedade horizontal”

21 May | 11.30

Optimistic Suburbia International Congress

ISCTE | Auditório Afonso de Barros

