The Agents of Criticism

18 March 2015 / Biblioteca da Ordem dos Arquitectos SRS, Lisbon / 6 p.m.


The Agents of Criticism


Specialized magazines and other disciplinary periodicals can be seen as arenas in which to assert trends and positions. However, and quoting Nuno Portas, in the Portuguese case architecture, unlike other arts, seems to be unscathed by criticism and contrary opinions. In spite of this generally uncritical climate, the specialized press has on occasion been the stage for ruptures and the assertion of affinities, thus redrawing the playing field and the peer relations within it.

Within this framework, the panel will seek to determine the degree of specificity in architectural criticism compared to that in other areas (literature, painting, sculpture, cinema). It will also attempt to draw the social map of such criticism, both from a sociological and a historical perspective; understanding whether the lexicon of this criticism is specific to the field by comparison to that produced in other arts and knowledge fields.  Which criteria ultimately determine a critic’s excellence today? How does the critical discourse relate to the question of taste? What is the relationship between criticism and the awarding of prizes and other distinctions?


Coordenação geral: Rute Figueiredo e Paulo Tormenta Pinto


Os ciclos de debates contaram com a parceria institucional da

Secção Regional Sul da Ordem dos Arquitectos



Biblioteca da Ordem dos Arquitectos, MUDE, ESAD


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